29 Jul New Company Branding
Hi and welcome to my new and totally re branded website!
After 14 years we have changed our name and branding to better reflect the work we do and the people we serve. Chris Horsten Family Wealth Management captures both the values and the importance of the task of advising people with all things financial.
As a family man with two teenagers I can appreciate the balancing act that parents face. We live in a world with no precedents, making each day a new adventure in decision-making. By the time you’re done with taking care of your family, the last thing you have head-space for is the complexities of money management. When it comes to taking time out to visit these things it’s a good idea to have someone along side to help you see things clearly so you can make the right choices. That’s my job, to cut through the clutter and give you options that are already carefully constructed to meet your needs. And isn’t it a comfort to know that someone is keeping on top of things while you are busy with your family?
Let’s get together and re-visit your needs. I’m just a phone call or email away and would be happy to sit down with you to take stock of your financial situation.
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